Tuesday, July 26, 2011

7 States in a Week

Last week I was on a Young Life trip that was one of the most amazing trips in my life. That and Cooperstown..nothing else compares to that. Not only was the trip a road trip but all 18 of the kids had no idea where we going until like an hour before. We were given hints and had to guess. The first place we went to was West Virginia and we zip lined through the mountains. Then to Ohio and Cedar Point. Then on up to Chicago and back down to Kentucky and Nashville. My favorite part was between listening to Bryan Edwards, Michael Fabrizio, and Hope Nix sing in Nashville and the Chicago Cubs game which the field is amazinggg. BTW's go check out Bryan, Michael, and Hope on iTunes..all three of them are outstandingggg. Anyways that was a trip of a lifetime with lots of memories.